"A Merry Heart doeth Good like a medicine..."
When it comes to a person's health there are so many opinions and options. One thing I truly believe is the promise from the Bible, "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine..." Our attitude can have an impact on our health, how we feel, how we look at things in this life. Do we look at the glass as half empty, or half full? When things don't go our way, how do we handle it? I notice that when I am thankful for the small things in life, I generally have a merry heart, and am a better mom. When reading about various natural health issues, no doubt what always comes up is that a happy person really makes a healthier person.
I have so many wonderful memories with my dad. What stands out the most in my mind, is how easily he cared and shared his kindness with most everyone. He was the kind of man that "knew no stranger". Although he could have had a lot of health issues, I believe that his kindness and friendliness that he shared with others truly affected his health for the good. For those of you who knew my dad, I know you probably would agree!
What has been found and written about with cancer patients is that a person's health dramatically declines when they are told they are going to die. Just that "death sentence" affects their health negatively! Where as those who are given hope of a cure, just the fact that they have HOPE, they do so much better physically.
When nego's (negative things) happen in life, and they surely will...remember it may affect your health. So, try to remember: A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.
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