Recently my younger two got into a stash of candy from their big brother's room... After their nap they both looked "sick" and acted like they were feeling very yucky. I just knew some kind of sickness would come. So, out came the Emergen-C, and within 20 minutes or so, I noticed they were back to their normal selves (busy, loud, running around...). (I am still not sure how much candy they ate-I found wrappers under the bed, behind a trunk, in the office...)
Today my older two were worn out from putting in a work day with dad yesterday. They were gone and busy from 7:30 in the morning until 8:15 pm. I wasn't sure what could help them out, they appeared exhausted from yesterday's work. So, out came the Emergen-C, and within 15 minutes or so, I noticed they felt better and back to normal.
This great drink packs in a big punch of Vitamin C-1000mg, and also many other vitamins. The kids like the taste, and I like to drink it as a quick source of energy. Emergen-C is something we use to help fight off colds, or to recover quicker from a sickness.
You can buy it at Sam's Club, Walmart or Cash Wise.
Happy Emergen-C!!!
Pull up a chair with a cup of coffee, and a little chocolate... This is a place to share recipes,coupons, health and home hints. I am a homeschool mom to 5 children, and love sharing ideas and thoughts with friends and family.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Teething Pain Remedies
Teething Pains...a great remedy we use is Hyland's Teething Tablets and Teething Gel. The tablets are easily dissolveable by babies and toddlers. This homeopathic combination of natural substances relieves the restlessness, peevish whining and irritability. The small 1 grain tablets melt instantly on the tongue.
The Teething Gel just goes right onto the gums. Both of these can be found at many natural food stores, Target, Cash Wise and Amazon.
When teething pains come, typically so does ear pain. While teething, we look for red cheek(s) which indicate possible ear infections. If we see this, we use the Melaleuca Tea Tree oil and vitamin E mix in the ear(s). (This remedy is from the previous post)
Post a comment if you use and love this product!
Happy Teething, if that's possible!!!
The Teething Gel just goes right onto the gums. Both of these can be found at many natural food stores, Target, Cash Wise and Amazon.
When teething pains come, typically so does ear pain. While teething, we look for red cheek(s) which indicate possible ear infections. If we see this, we use the Melaleuca Tea Tree oil and vitamin E mix in the ear(s). (This remedy is from the previous post)
Post a comment if you use and love this product!
Happy Teething, if that's possible!!!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Natural Remedy for Ear Infections
After bringing our oldest to the doctor three times when a baby for ear infections, we started looking for something else that may help besides antibiotics.
This remedy has saved us from many doctor visits and has brought much needed relief to our 5 kiddos over the years (even to our teething babies):
Melaleuca Tea Tree Oil (T36 C5)
Jason Vitamin E Oil-14,000 IU
Amber glass bottle with dropper
I fill an amber glass bottle (with a dropper) about 3/4 full of Jason Vitamin E oil, and the rest I fill with Melaleuca Tea Tree Oil.
We put 1-2 drops of this oil in the ears when needed, followed with a cotton ball. Symptoms we look for: tugging at the ear, extreme irritability, a bright red cheek, teething...
When our oldest son was 2, I ran out of the Melaleuca brand tea tree oil and bought an alternative version from the store---it was not effective, and his fever continued. I had a doctor look at his ears only to find he had a double ear infection and needed antibiotics to recover.
Since then, I only use Melaleuca Tea Tree Oil and Jason Vitamin E oil. Also since then, I have not had to bring any of our kids into the doctor for ear infections!
If you know Shana, she can order this specific Melaleuca Tea Tree oil for you, otherwise it can be ordered above from Amazon. (It is not sold in stores.)
Shana told me that when they have had ear infections, she just sticks the melaleuca oil full strength on a Q tip and swab it right in the ear...and it works great.
Another friend on mine puts the Vitamin E/Tea Tree Oil mix on a cotton ball and puts it in their children's ears. If you use Melaleuca oil, post a comment and let us know how you use it!
(Tea tree oil appears to be effective against bacteria, viruses, fungal infections-toenail fungus and athlete's foot, mites such as scabies, and lice. If you do a search on the internet there is so much information and history about this Australian oil.)
P.S. How do I know it works?
I use this remedy when our child has a fever or is cranky/tugging at the ears-after putting this oil in the ears, within a few minutes/hours we will see a remarkable improvement in fever and or disposition!
Happy Healthy Ears!!!
This remedy has saved us from many doctor visits and has brought much needed relief to our 5 kiddos over the years (even to our teething babies):
Melaleuca Tea Tree Oil (T36 C5)
Jason Vitamin E Oil-14,000 IU
Amber glass bottle with dropper
We put 1-2 drops of this oil in the ears when needed, followed with a cotton ball. Symptoms we look for: tugging at the ear, extreme irritability, a bright red cheek, teething...
When our oldest son was 2, I ran out of the Melaleuca brand tea tree oil and bought an alternative version from the store---it was not effective, and his fever continued. I had a doctor look at his ears only to find he had a double ear infection and needed antibiotics to recover.
Since then, I only use Melaleuca Tea Tree Oil and Jason Vitamin E oil. Also since then, I have not had to bring any of our kids into the doctor for ear infections!
If you know Shana, she can order this specific Melaleuca Tea Tree oil for you, otherwise it can be ordered above from Amazon. (It is not sold in stores.)
Shana told me that when they have had ear infections, she just sticks the melaleuca oil full strength on a Q tip and swab it right in the ear...and it works great.
Another friend on mine puts the Vitamin E/Tea Tree Oil mix on a cotton ball and puts it in their children's ears. If you use Melaleuca oil, post a comment and let us know how you use it!
(Tea tree oil appears to be effective against bacteria, viruses, fungal infections-toenail fungus and athlete's foot, mites such as scabies, and lice. If you do a search on the internet there is so much information and history about this Australian oil.)
P.S. How do I know it works?
I use this remedy when our child has a fever or is cranky/tugging at the ears-after putting this oil in the ears, within a few minutes/hours we will see a remarkable improvement in fever and or disposition!
Happy Healthy Ears!!!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Potato Soup
It is Potato Days this weekend, so I thought I would share a family favorite!
1 onion chopped
1 clove garlic
3 Tbsp. flour
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. dill
1/2 tsp. pepper
3 c. chicken broth
2-3 large potatoes cubed
3-5 bacon strips in bits (I use 4 Tbsp. of real bacon bits)
1 cup half-and half cream
Shredded Cheddar Cheese
Saute onion and garlic until tender. And then stir in flour, salt, dill and pepper-mix well. Slowly add broth. Add potatoes and bring to a boil until potatoes are tender. Mash the potatoes a bit while in the soup. Add cream and bacon, heat, but do not boil. Top with cheese.
For those who know me, I double this recipe and alter as I can (ha-ha)!!! The kids still love it! The boys think it's restaurant quality. (Come to think of it, all of their meals should taste like a restaurant since they do not have to lift a finger...ah, the life of a child!)
Post a comment if you use and love this recipe and changes you made!
Happy Potatoes!!!
1 onion chopped
1 clove garlic
3 Tbsp. flour
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. dill
1/2 tsp. pepper
3 c. chicken broth
2-3 large potatoes cubed
3-5 bacon strips in bits (I use 4 Tbsp. of real bacon bits)
1 cup half-and half cream
Shredded Cheddar Cheese
Saute onion and garlic until tender. And then stir in flour, salt, dill and pepper-mix well. Slowly add broth. Add potatoes and bring to a boil until potatoes are tender. Mash the potatoes a bit while in the soup. Add cream and bacon, heat, but do not boil. Top with cheese.
For those who know me, I double this recipe and alter as I can (ha-ha)!!! The kids still love it! The boys think it's restaurant quality. (Come to think of it, all of their meals should taste like a restaurant since they do not have to lift a finger...ah, the life of a child!)
Post a comment if you use and love this recipe and changes you made!
Happy Potatoes!!!
Friday, August 20, 2010
How to Save Money on Groceries
I love passing along hints and tips to help save in the grocery and food budget.
A great resource I use is:
Weekly, I go to and quickly check out the Hot Deals and Store Deals-I click on my state and find great deals for Sunmart, Cash Wise and Hornbachers.
Another great spot on this website: Walgreens and CVS-many times items will be under a dollar or even free with using this website!
There will be options to "printable coupon" on the specific items on sale, which gives you additional money off the sale price.
I did read the book, BeCentsAble that led me to this site-it explained how to really save money. It was a great book and eye opening on how to truly save!
Happy Savings!!!
My friend Kayla wrote, "Another site that has Cashwise, Hornbachers, and Sunmart deals is Thomas' cousin runs that site and it has saved us tons of money!" :)
A great resource I use is:
Weekly, I go to and quickly check out the Hot Deals and Store Deals-I click on my state and find great deals for Sunmart, Cash Wise and Hornbachers.
Another great spot on this website: Walgreens and CVS-many times items will be under a dollar or even free with using this website!
There will be options to "printable coupon" on the specific items on sale, which gives you additional money off the sale price.
I did read the book, BeCentsAble that led me to this site-it explained how to really save money. It was a great book and eye opening on how to truly save!
Happy Savings!!!
My friend Kayla wrote, "Another site that has Cashwise, Hornbachers, and Sunmart deals is Thomas' cousin runs that site and it has saved us tons of money!" :)
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Sydney's Health Market
Check it Out!
Sydney's Health Market
810 30th Ave South, Moorhead MN
Located on the Southeast corner of I-94(Exit 1A)
and 8th St South in the Southmoor shopping center.
Phone Number Is: 218.233.3310
Your Path to Healthier Living!
We offer the best selection of
Organic Foods, Gluten Free - Allergen Free Products, and Nutritional Supplements.
Her store on-line
Happy Shopping!
Sydney's Health Market
810 30th Ave South, Moorhead MN
Located on the Southeast corner of I-94(Exit 1A)
and 8th St South in the Southmoor shopping center.
Phone Number Is: 218.233.3310
Your Path to Healthier Living!
We offer the best selection of
Organic Foods, Gluten Free - Allergen Free Products, and Nutritional Supplements.
Her store on-line
Happy Shopping!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Mosquito Bites & Bee Stings
Natural Remedies:
Mosquito Bites---We mix baking soda and a little water to make a paste. Whenever we get a bite we just put this right onto the bite, and the itch/pain goes away. (We store it in a baby food jar, when it dries out we just add a little more water and mix.)
Bee Stings---We apply apple cider vinegar on the sting and within minutes the sting goes away. This worked successfully this summer on baby Moriah, and also my nephew Brody. (Brody thought this was so cool!)
Mosquito Bites---We mix baking soda and a little water to make a paste. Whenever we get a bite we just put this right onto the bite, and the itch/pain goes away. (We store it in a baby food jar, when it dries out we just add a little more water and mix.)
Bee Stings---We apply apple cider vinegar on the sting and within minutes the sting goes away. This worked successfully this summer on baby Moriah, and also my nephew Brody. (Brody thought this was so cool!)
Happy Summer in the Midwest!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Rhubarb Jam
Last year Shana came over with her two kids and we made this great tasting jam. While the kids played, we each tripled the recipe and made our own batches. There were lots of laughs + a big mess + kiddos played great together=fun! It is always fun to make this jam with a friend!
This recipe came from Sharon, a family friend from growing up. She makes it, and gives it to her friends as a little gift. Although this is best made in the spring (when the rhubarb is red and at its best) I seem to be a little late in life again this year and will be making it in the fall! Maybe next spring I will be on the ball.
This recipe came from Sharon, a family friend from growing up. She makes it, and gives it to her friends as a little gift. Although this is best made in the spring (when the rhubarb is red and at its best) I seem to be a little late in life again this year and will be making it in the fall! Maybe next spring I will be on the ball.
Rhubarb Jam
5 cups Rhubarb
3 cups Sugar
1 3oz. pkg. Strawberry Jello
Cook rhubarb and sugar til boiling.
Remove from heat.
Add Jello and stir.
Put in jars-just refrigerate.
(I freeze it too!)
Happy Jam Making!!!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Potato Power
I love potatoes! Growing up, sometimes my dad would call me his "Spud" since potatoes were my favorite thing to eat. Another favorite treat---Yes, you guessed it-Lefse! Which is mostly made of potatoes as well (unless you count all the butter I put on)!
You may wonder how this has anything to do with the title,
"Potato Power"...
Last week while preparing for my mom, sister Holly, and her boys to visit, I was making supper and burned myself very badly. It was tearfully painful. The burn was around my finger and thumb, and it was the worst burn I ever remember having! I called Lawrence and he looked up some ways to help it. I truly didn't want to be stuck to a bowl of cold water and ice all day. I tried many things, but the best thing that helped-and you may not believe me-was a potato!
I took a potato, sliced it, and put it on the burned area. Immediate relief took place. After a few minutes, I turned the potato over to the other side. I repeated this process often within the first hour. After awhile, I could use one slice of potato for a longer chunk of time (which was a good thing since I was still getting ready for everybody to come). It was amazing how this potato remedy took away the pain almost instantly!
The crazy thing...although I should have had a blister(s) from this burn, and it looked like I was getting one...I never got any! The next day, the burn spot had faded away with absolutely no pain.
I told my friend, Becky, about this amazing potato remedy... And guess what? She recently burned herself (not on purpose, of course) and tried out this remedy experiencing the same great results!
I love how God gave us the powerful potato-not only for french fries, mashed potatoes, and lefse, but also for helping heal the skin from minor burns.
Happy Potatoes!!!
You may wonder how this has anything to do with the title,
"Potato Power"...
Last week while preparing for my mom, sister Holly, and her boys to visit, I was making supper and burned myself very badly. It was tearfully painful. The burn was around my finger and thumb, and it was the worst burn I ever remember having! I called Lawrence and he looked up some ways to help it. I truly didn't want to be stuck to a bowl of cold water and ice all day. I tried many things, but the best thing that helped-and you may not believe me-was a potato!
I took a potato, sliced it, and put it on the burned area. Immediate relief took place. After a few minutes, I turned the potato over to the other side. I repeated this process often within the first hour. After awhile, I could use one slice of potato for a longer chunk of time (which was a good thing since I was still getting ready for everybody to come). It was amazing how this potato remedy took away the pain almost instantly!
The crazy thing...although I should have had a blister(s) from this burn, and it looked like I was getting one...I never got any! The next day, the burn spot had faded away with absolutely no pain.
I told my friend, Becky, about this amazing potato remedy... And guess what? She recently burned herself (not on purpose, of course) and tried out this remedy experiencing the same great results!
I love how God gave us the powerful potato-not only for french fries, mashed potatoes, and lefse, but also for helping heal the skin from minor burns.
Happy Potatoes!!!
Free Printable Planner Templates
Crazy how fast time goes...
Summer is almost gone and another school year is about to begin!
I was looking for ways to get more organized with our school year and I came across some great planner templates. This site offers daily, weekly, monthly pages to print. It also offers many various other templates related to business, school, projects, loans, attendance, groceries, exercise/health, time lines, finances, etc...
One template I specifically like is called:
The Printable Weekly Planner (PDF).
On this one page it has the days of the week, a spot for notes, task list and people to call.
When I was looking around at this site, I was amazed at all of the template options made available to print! If you are interested, click below to check it out!
Happy Planning!
Our goal is to help people manage their time, their finances, and their careers, by providing simple tools in the form of high quality spreadsheet templates, calculators, calendars, resumes, and articles that are designed to educate and increase productivity.
Summer is almost gone and another school year is about to begin!
I was looking for ways to get more organized with our school year and I came across some great planner templates. This site offers daily, weekly, monthly pages to print. It also offers many various other templates related to business, school, projects, loans, attendance, groceries, exercise/health, time lines, finances, etc...
One template I specifically like is called:
The Printable Weekly Planner (PDF).
On this one page it has the days of the week, a spot for notes, task list and people to call.
When I was looking around at this site, I was amazed at all of the template options made available to print! If you are interested, click below to check it out!
Happy Planning!
Our goal is to help people manage their time, their finances, and their careers, by providing simple tools in the form of high quality spreadsheet templates, calculators, calendars, resumes, and articles that are designed to educate and increase productivity.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Benefits of Flax Seed
Each morning before I consume anything, I put about 1 1/2-2 Tbsp of flax seeds in my coffee grinder and grind them. I then add it to a cup of water or juice, stir and drink it down.
Flax seed makes me feel full and it has so many health benefits! It also curbs sweet cravings! Flax has omega 3 fatty acids and is recognized as one of the richest sources of essential fatty acids (EPA's).
Cholesterol/heart-Flax has shown to reduce the total cholesterol, including the LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglycerides.
Diabetes-Flax seed is very low in carbohydrates, making it ideal for people who limit their intake of starches and sugars.
Cancer-Flax seed is high in phytochemicals, including many antioxidants. It is high in alpha linolenic acid (ALA) which has been found to help fight cancer. (Flax seed has been proven to be very beneficial against colon, prostrate and breast cancer!)
Menopausal symptoms-Flax helps stabilize hormones and fights depression. Flax has a mood boosting property-DHA.
Weight Loss-Flax seed reduces cravings, gives a feeling of fullness and also speeds up metabolism. It also increase energy and stamina, and a feeling of well being.
Constipation/diarrhea/irritable bowl (IBS)-Flax is high in both soluble and insoluble fiber. Flax seed also adds substance to the stool.
Truly the list goes on and on, but these are a few of the main things flax seed is good for.
When buying Flax seed, freshness is of great importance. I buy the seeds and store them in a ceramic container with a tight sealed lid. I then grind only what I use at the time. I would never buy pre-ground flax seed!
For the kiddos, I sometimes add it to smoothies, oatmeal, or things I can hide it in!
What an amazing seed God made! It is a great source of fiber, lignans (antioxidants) and Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids (EFA)!
***If you are interested in buying flax seed and or a coffee grinder: in the red box above click on "click HERE to get to our store" will get you to a place you can order it. I put it under "Our Favorite Health items" and also under the category called, "Food".
Other places to buy it is at: various health food stores or Cash Wise in the Natural health food section in the bulk food section, etc...
Flax seed makes me feel full and it has so many health benefits! It also curbs sweet cravings! Flax has omega 3 fatty acids and is recognized as one of the richest sources of essential fatty acids (EPA's).
Cholesterol/heart-Flax has shown to reduce the total cholesterol, including the LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglycerides.
Diabetes-Flax seed is very low in carbohydrates, making it ideal for people who limit their intake of starches and sugars.
Cancer-Flax seed is high in phytochemicals, including many antioxidants. It is high in alpha linolenic acid (ALA) which has been found to help fight cancer. (Flax seed has been proven to be very beneficial against colon, prostrate and breast cancer!)
Menopausal symptoms-Flax helps stabilize hormones and fights depression. Flax has a mood boosting property-DHA.
Weight Loss-Flax seed reduces cravings, gives a feeling of fullness and also speeds up metabolism. It also increase energy and stamina, and a feeling of well being.
Constipation/diarrhea/irritable bowl (IBS)-Flax is high in both soluble and insoluble fiber. Flax seed also adds substance to the stool.
Truly the list goes on and on, but these are a few of the main things flax seed is good for.
When buying Flax seed, freshness is of great importance. I buy the seeds and store them in a ceramic container with a tight sealed lid. I then grind only what I use at the time. I would never buy pre-ground flax seed!
For the kiddos, I sometimes add it to smoothies, oatmeal, or things I can hide it in!
What an amazing seed God made! It is a great source of fiber, lignans (antioxidants) and Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids (EFA)!
***If you are interested in buying flax seed and or a coffee grinder: in the red box above click on "click HERE to get to our store" will get you to a place you can order it. I put it under "Our Favorite Health items" and also under the category called, "Food".
Other places to buy it is at: various health food stores or Cash Wise in the Natural health food section in the bulk food section, etc...
Friday, August 6, 2010
3 Step Face Cleaner
Over the years I have used various facial cleaners, my favorite had been Clinique. After reading various natural ways to help with acne, pores etc... I came up with this 3 step process which I use and some friends have tried and like it and now use it too.
I think of all the teenagers who are going through so much, and then they get a good case of acne. You may want to try this out and see if it works for you! A good friend of mine has a teenage son, and he had been on prescription medicine for his acne. He no longer takes his acne medication, but uses this instead!
The things I really like about this cleaner: it's easy, cheap, healthy and works for most people.
Face Cleaner:
1. Toner-Witch hazel
2. Acne and Face-In a bottle-I put about 3/4 clear aloe vera and 1/4 hydrogen peroxide and shake (I always make sure I use a fairly new bottle of hydrogen peroxide). If my face is oilier, I use 2/3 aloe vera and 1/3 hydrogen peroxide.
3. I follow up applying coconut oil, castor oil or apricot seed oil...
4. Optional: 1-2 times a week, in the shower I wet some baking soda in my hands and rub it on my face. It seems to open up and clean out my pours
I don't put the oil on my zits, or on oily areas. (My friend's teenage boy doesn't use the oil at all.) On acne or zits, I put the aloe mix on it. If it is severe, I use it throughout the day. If I get a sunburn, I put the aloe mix on it also. My little girl loves this little aloe mix "medicine" for her bug bites and rashes.
I also used the coconut oil for my baby's cradle cap and diaper rash. If any of my kids get any kind of rash, I will use the coconut oil as well. It all has truly helped us.
I also like using coconut all over my body. I sometimes even add a couple drops of lavender oil to it for the nice smell.

I think of all the teenagers who are going through so much, and then they get a good case of acne. You may want to try this out and see if it works for you! A good friend of mine has a teenage son, and he had been on prescription medicine for his acne. He no longer takes his acne medication, but uses this instead!
The things I really like about this cleaner: it's easy, cheap, healthy and works for most people.
Face Cleaner:
1. Toner-Witch hazel
2. Acne and Face-In a bottle-I put about 3/4 clear aloe vera and 1/4 hydrogen peroxide and shake (I always make sure I use a fairly new bottle of hydrogen peroxide). If my face is oilier, I use 2/3 aloe vera and 1/3 hydrogen peroxide.
3. I follow up applying coconut oil, castor oil or apricot seed oil...
4. Optional: 1-2 times a week, in the shower I wet some baking soda in my hands and rub it on my face. It seems to open up and clean out my pours
I don't put the oil on my zits, or on oily areas. (My friend's teenage boy doesn't use the oil at all.) On acne or zits, I put the aloe mix on it. If it is severe, I use it throughout the day. If I get a sunburn, I put the aloe mix on it also. My little girl loves this little aloe mix "medicine" for her bug bites and rashes.
I also used the coconut oil for my baby's cradle cap and diaper rash. If any of my kids get any kind of rash, I will use the coconut oil as well. It all has truly helped us.
I also like using coconut all over my body. I sometimes even add a couple drops of lavender oil to it for the nice smell.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Egg Bake and Monkey Bread
We were recently at Kari and Dan's house and they served this great egg bake and monkey bread, along with fruit, orange juice and coffee. I just made this same meal for our little guy's 3rd. birthday and it was very easy to make.
Egg Bake
12 eggs
1/2 c. half and half
2 c. shredded cheese
1 tsp dried mustard
salt & pepper
Melt 1 stick butter in baking dish, then pour in above mixed ingredients. (I added onions, but most anything can be added.) Bake 40 minutes at 350.
Monkey Bread
4 cans biscuits
1 c. brown sugar
1 c. butter
melt together
Tear the biscuit into pieces and put into a bundt pan, pour sugar and butter mixture over biscuit pieces. Bake 25 minutes at 350-375.
Egg Bake
12 eggs
1/2 c. half and half
2 c. shredded cheese
1 tsp dried mustard
salt & pepper
Melt 1 stick butter in baking dish, then pour in above mixed ingredients. (I added onions, but most anything can be added.) Bake 40 minutes at 350.
Monkey Bread
4 cans biscuits
1 c. brown sugar
1 c. butter
melt together
Tear the biscuit into pieces and put into a bundt pan, pour sugar and butter mixture over biscuit pieces. Bake 25 minutes at 350-375.
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