Teething Pains...a great remedy we use is Hyland's Teething Tablets and Teething Gel. The tablets are easily dissolveable by babies and toddlers. This homeopathic combination of natural substances relieves the restlessness, peevish whining and irritability. The small 1 grain tablets melt instantly on the tongue.
The Teething Gel just goes right onto the gums. Both of these can be found at many natural food stores, Target, Cash Wise and Amazon.
When teething pains come, typically so does ear pain. While teething, we look for red cheek(s) which indicate possible ear infections. If we see this, we use the Melaleuca Tea Tree oil and vitamin E mix in the ear(s). (This remedy is from the previous post)
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Happy Teething, if that's possible!!!
We use the tablets, but have never used the gel before. Might have to try that instead of orajel.