Friday, August 27, 2010

Natural Remedy for Ear Infections

After bringing our oldest to the doctor three times when a baby for ear infections, we started looking for something else that may help besides antibiotics.

This remedy has saved us from many doctor visits and has brought much needed relief to our 5 kiddos over the years (even to our teething babies): 

Melaleuca Tea Tree Oil (T36 C5) 
Jason Vitamin E Oil-14,000 IU
Amber glass bottle with dropper

I fill an amber glass bottle (with a dropper) about 3/4 full of Jason Vitamin E oil, and the rest I fill with Melaleuca Tea Tree Oil.

We put 1-2 drops of this oil in the ears when needed, followed with a cotton ball.  Symptoms we look for: tugging at the ear, extreme irritability, a bright red cheek, teething...

When our oldest son was 2, I ran out of the Melaleuca brand tea tree oil and bought an alternative version from the store---it was not effective, and his fever continued. I had a doctor look at his ears only to find he had a double ear infection and needed antibiotics to recover. 

Since then, I only use Melaleuca Tea Tree Oil and Jason Vitamin E oil.  Also since then, I have not had to bring any of our kids into the doctor for ear infections!

If you know Shana, she can order this specific Melaleuca Tea Tree oil for you, otherwise it can be ordered above from Amazon.  (It is not sold in stores.) 

Shana told me that when they have had ear infections, she just sticks the melaleuca oil full strength on a Q tip and swab it right in the ear...and it works great.
Another friend on mine puts the Vitamin E/Tea Tree Oil mix on a cotton ball and puts it in their children's ears.  If you use Melaleuca oil, post a comment and let us know how you use it!
(Tea tree oil appears to be effective against bacteria, viruses, fungal infections-toenail fungus and athlete's foot, mites such as scabies, and lice.  If you do a search on the internet there is so much information and history about this Australian oil.)

P.S.  How do I know it works?  

I use this remedy when our child has a fever or is cranky/tugging at the ears-after putting this oil in the ears, within a few minutes/hours we will see a remarkable improvement in fever and or disposition!

Happy Healthy Ears!!!

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